Real Post 1

Wow! I finally made this website somewhat functional. Obviously I will still work on it but I’ve already learned a lot about how Blot (the service im using to host this domain) and how its system using HTML, CSS, Markdown, and JSON works. It looks kind of complex at first, but once you realise how the json and css file line up, it’s pretty smooth sailing. I also learned a little trick where you can inspect the specific element on my webpage to find all the css tags/properties that are associated with that element, so it makes finding that element in code much easier.

I think my next step is to add links to all my socials and music profiles, so that’s at least up there. Other than that, it’s mostly stylising it how I want it to look. So far the fonts that I’ve added are really clean to me, but I want to ensure its readability because I think I am going too thin with the fonts.

In my Bevy galaga game, I want to change the Jumping” mechanic to use the scroll wheel instead. The biggest change I want for this game is for it to instead of Galaga be more like Brotato in which it is more of a roguelike with a survive X seconds” with upgrades between rounds and such. With this, the complexity comes from the controls, ONLY the mouse. I want left click and mouse aim to be shoot, right click to slow down time, and scroll wheel up and down to move left and right, respectively. It’ll be a huge change of pace, but I think this version of the game will be easier to work with, especially when I get to upgrades.

Anyways, hope to keep posting so people know I am doing things and I am alive and well :3

24-02-23 15:21