About Me

Pratosh Toast” Brahmbhatt

  • they/she pronouns
  • 23 years old
  • Computer Science & Cybersecurity B.s
    • Philosophy minor
  • Software Engineer and Game Programmer
    • Programming languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, Rust, C#, HTML, …
    • Game engines: Unity (C#) and Bevy (Rust),
      • Currently learning Unreal Engine 5 (C++), Godot (GDScript), and FMOD (audio middleware)
  • Multi-instrumental Musician
    • Music Producer (FL Studio)
    • Mostly percussion, but also piano, bass, trumpet, and more!
  • Sound Designer
  • Beatboxer
  • Streamer (games, music, or coding)
  • Video Editor

Finished Projects

Current Projects

Expired” Projects