Jazz Time


I survived the holidays. It wasn’t too bad, but I would prefer to move past that.

I got hired for a really fun volunteer position to be a composer/musician for this upcoming YouTube series called Jazz Man! I am really excited to work on this because it brings me back to my high school days where I did a lot of jazz work like creating sheet music, selecting our repitoire for concerts, and leading the Jazz Band itself. It’s like everything came full circle.

You’re probably wondering what happened to me applying for game development jobs, and you’re right, I haven’t in a bit. I believe that my musical ability and talent is more prominent than my skills in game development, obviously due to the massive gap in experience, but also music just comes more naturally. I love music and it’s always been a part of my life, and I am glad I get to continue with it. Hopefully getting paid for it too!

Here’s to hoping the Kickstarter kicks off at the end of January


24-12-30 14:31