Many Developments


It feels good to say. There have been so many nice things that have happened recently and I am very excited to see where they go :3

Firstly, I MIGHT BE GETTING HIRED?? FOR A GAME JOB??????? Crazy. Putting Lead Programmer” on my resume really helped, but also they REALLY liked my senior project (yeah the really shitty one)
Computer Lunch, the company, has the clicker/idle game called Cell to Singularity. Very beautiful game, it’s become my new clicker addiction after I thought those addictions would only be from high school. ANYWAYS, they were looking for a Game Economy Intern”, and guess who had balanced 3 games already? I had the small script for Kibby Tower Defense, I balanced my own galaga game for the enemies per round, and then my clicker!
They really liked how interesting the concept was of the Anti-clicker” and I was really happy that they liked it. Also they were super nice and socially the interview went amazing.

The bad part: none of my GitHub games are playable… this was new news to me. They asked me if there was a way I can package anything to be playable, and I tried like hell to, but to no avail. They were still super nice and asked me if I could recreate the anti-clicker in Unity, and I have already started it. They also continued to give me the test for the hiring process and I was like oh my god I may actually be getting hired!

They gave me the test, and I genuinely had fun seeing how it worked, testing numbers, and then timing it to fulfill the conditions of minimum of 4 minutes of gameplay. I completed the test within 2 hours or so, but then I also sent a 2nd set of test numbers to show that I had fun with it and tried something a little different. We’re meeting this coming Thursday (5/30/24) so I am very excited to show them what I did.

Secondly, (I know this is a long post) the music for the dance project I was working on has now been performed! I saw the performance live, and I was super nervous hearing everyone else’s music and thinking about mine, but Erica really brought it to life and I genuinely thought that it was one of the best ones. It was just so gorgeous. I hope to get a video to post on here to show everyone!

If you haven’t listened to the track, Go listen!

Thirdly, I rereleased my TOAST 0001 album from Soundcloud onto Spotify so people can enjoy it there :3
Also generally, life has just been super stable. I have work to do that I enjoy, I am taking care of myself as best as I can, and most importantly my cat is loving me more and more.
If you got to the end of this post, you’re rad.

24-05-25 13:33